Zodiac: Letters/numbers

Zodiac: Letters/numbers represent the dual function that symbols had in certain languages where the same symbol represented a certain letter of the alphabet and a certain number. English, on the other hand, uses “A” for the first letter of the alphabet and “1” for the first number. In Hebrew letters of the letters hei, vav and yud also depicted and still depict numbers 5,6, and 10 respectively.

Names for the Divinity are and were notated with the above three letters. The five and six were considered polar numbers of yin and yang. Even in medieval age, the five strong petals of the rose was thoubht to be yin while the six petals of the lily was thought to be yang.

Ten was thought to be a synthetic number since two opposite numbers had to be added together on the 3 x 3 magic square pictured below: 4 + 6 or 2 + 8 etc.

Any opposite two numbers from around the central five when added together, total ten.
Zodiac: Letters/Numbers as applies to the above diagram uses the yud, hei and vav in various combinations to spell the Tetragrammaton spelled with the yud, heo vav and another hei. The fourth letter merely becomes a repetition of the second letter of the Tetragrammaton which is also a “hei.” This post is how in antiquity, space with its substance and time tied together through the Deity and the number sixty-six. THe diameter of the above circle approximates 21 and is spelled with the primary three divine letters with a numerical value of 21. A square, as lightly drawn in above, has each side a length of 15 by number. As such represents the yud and hei which are also a spelling of the Godly name, Yah.

Sixty-six ties into the basic organic chemical elements. Fire is the code for hydrogen-1, which is the source of fusion on stars. Carbon-6 ties into the element earth on the zodiac, as the hardest substance known to man is diamond, made from compressed carbon. Our atmosphere is approx. 3/4 nitrogen-N7. Nitrogen becomes the code for air. Water, by atomic number is mostly oxygen-8. The two hydrogen atoms attached to a molecule of water together only have an atomic weight of 2 as opposed to the 8 atomic number of one atom of oxygen.

The circle of the zodiac when equated to the sum of all atomic number as figured above contains a total of 66 protons. The Hebraic word that refers to the circle of the zodiac “Galgal” as the Hebrew word for the Zodiac is Galgal Ha’Mazalot, means “the wheel of fortune or luck”. In Hebrew “wheel”, Galgal, has a numerical value of 66 (gimmel-lamed-gimmel-lamed or 3 + 30 + 3 +30 = 66). See my sketch below.

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