Tag: Balance

  • Peace Calls on Magic Squares

    Peace Calls on Magic Squares. In Hebrew the word “Shalom” has several meanings. It can refer to both peace between two entities including a person and God or even between two countries. Equivalent cognates in Arabic is salaam, sliem in Maltese, Shlama in Syriac-Assyrian and sälam in Ethiopian Semitic languages from the Proto-Semitic root Š-L-M.…

  • Gnomon versus Corner

    Gnomon versus corner on the three by three magic square: The corner consists of a block of four numbers in a corner. We have four such such of corners here. Today we will deal with the 5,7,1,6, corner. The remaining five are given the title of the gnomon. Separation happens in four different ways: One…

  • Sacred Number

    Many are the books written about the mechanics or measurements used in sacred engineering which is the source of sacred number However, not many many cover the subject of the thought, philosophy or metaphysical reasoning that goes into sacred engineering? Many of my books including ,”The Sacred Engineers’ Philosophy- the Pinnacle Thought in the Unified…

  • Framing the cosmos

    For framing the cosmos I think that first R. Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics can at least be referenced; although I feel that British author John Michell came a lot closer to the truth in this matter. His work is my external link below. Fuller writes – “The discovery that once a closed system is recognized as…