Tag: Tree of Life

  • Energy Event Sketch

    Energy Event Sketch is depicted by the ancient Hebraic Tree of Life. A parallel between an energy event and this “Tree” becomes obvious on close examination. On the tree (right side), emanations one. two and three parallel the electron, proton and anti-neutrino. On the right, the positron, neutron and neutrino parallel emanations 4,5, and 6…

  • Hidden Triple Six is on the Tree of Life

    Hidden Triple Six reveals itself on the left pillar of the Tree of Life. Triple six needs a little decoding. By Wxti.two – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=88 We must call on the ancient art of gematria in Hebrew; i.e. where the same symbol represents both a letter and a number. The Hebrew word…

  • Numerical Tree

    Trees have leaves, trees have fruit; but can a tree have numbers? A numerical tree exists called the Tree of Life. Forget the apples, pears, and peaches; numbers blossom here. Now gematria takes center stage in this paragraph. The ancient Hebrew language preserves the tradition where letters and numbers have the same symbol. When spelling…

  • Quantum elements

    Interaction of certain sub-atomic particles becomes the essence of quantum elements called quantum mechanics. The electron, proton and anti-neutrino form one trinity. A positron, neutron and neutrino make the second. Three positive and three negative factors combine to make what Buckminster Fuller calls one quantum. Fuller calls this the form or birth of a quantum.…